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Group "I" and "E"

Introverted (I)

1. You prefer solitary activities and get exhausted by social interaction.

2. You are significantly more likely to report being sensitive to noise and bright colors, and you also strongly prefer simplicity and minimalism in your environment.

3. You do not require much external stimulation like communicating with other people, hobbies, political attitudes and even eating or drinking habits.

Extroverted (E)

1. You prefer prefer group activities and get energized by social interaction.

2. You are more interested in engaging the environment –people and objects around you –and you need feedback as well.

3. You are also more likely to feel that you can handle any challenges life throws your way. Obviously, whether that turns out to be true or not depends on many other circumstances.

4. You are more energetic and willing to take the lead in many situations, especially social ones.

Mind Group: Group "I" and "E"
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