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Welcome to Blooming Minds: D.I.E.T. Training Programme


Success and fulfilment are two terms that though said to be synonymous, have certain fundamental differences.
The understanding of these distinguishing features is what differentiates those who are positioned to maximizing their potentials and those living far below the peak of their abilities.
Let's start by defining these terms:
Success, as far as I'm concerned, as enjoyed the most varied definitions compared to any other word. Most professionals have defined this term from their varying perspectives and to soothe or drive home their points. But one thing is common to almost all these definitions. That single common ground is what forms the basis of how I will define it for the purpose of this course.
Success in it's most basic term is defined as achievement of set goals.
This means that in success, the focus is on “WHAT” is to be achieved. The major thing is the goal that needs to be achieved. For example, if you set a goal as simple as saving 5% of your weekly wages and you are able to do it at the end of the week, you're successful because "what" you want to achieve has been accomplished. The goal has been met.
But fulfilment on the other hand is quite different.
Fulfilment is success (or the achievement of goals) along one’s natural path of influence.
That's it.
Fulfilment also involves the achievement of set goals. But it goes a little further. In fulfilment, focus is on “WHY” should this be achieved. Fulfilment will not just consider the goal that should be achieved but also the importance and the effect it will have on both your personal and professional development. It is all about success along your path of natural influence.
An understanding of that subtle but fundamental difference between the two terms is the differentiating factor between those that are living out their purpose and those that are being swayed by the waves of the oceans of life and are merely flowing along.
This course is centered around going beyond being successful- achieving your goals, to leading a fulfilled life. The life where you know the "whats" and the "whys".

Introduction I: Welcome
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